During 2012 the USDHHS’s Health Resources and Services Administration funded 12

During 2012 the USDHHS’s Health Resources and Services Administration funded 12 accredited preventive medicine residencies to incorporate an evidence-based Chlorin E6 integrative medicine curriculum into their training programs. medicine definitions and principles preventive medicine’s dual role in clinical and population-based prevention and the burgeoning evidence base of integrative medicine. The steering committee considered an interdisciplinary integrative medicine contextual Chlorin E6 framework guided by several themes related to workforce development and population health. Chlorin E6 A list of nine competencies mapped to the six general domains of competence approved by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education was operationalized through an iterative exercise with the 12 grantees in a process that included mapping each site’s competency and curriculum products to the core competencies. The competencies along with central curricular components informed by grantees’ work presented elsewhere in this supplement are outlined as a roadmap for residency programs aiming to incorporate integrative medicine content into their curricula. This set of competencies increases the bigger efforts from the IMPriME effort to facilitate and enhance additional curriculum advancement and execution CXCR2 by not merely the existing grantees but additional stakeholders in graduate medical education around integrative medication teaching. Intro During 2012 the American University of Preventive Medication established a nationwide coordinating middle in integrative medication funded from the USDHHS’s Wellness Resources and Solutions Administration which offered technical assistance concerning competency and curriculum advancement to 12 Wellness Resources and Solutions Administration-funded accredited precautionary medication residencies because they integrated evidence-based integrative medication content to their applications. Supporting this work the coordinating middle referred to as the Integrative Medication in Preventive Medication Education (IMPriME) Middle convened multiple stakeholder organizations including an IMPriME steering committee partner companies and an IMPriME Community of Learning made up of folks from different educational and healthcare occupations. The IMPriME interprofessional steering committee contains nine content specialists in integrative medication; complementary and integrative wellness (as described by NIH)1; and general public wellness or general precautionary medication. This committee collaborated with grantees to build up primary education competencies that might be highly relevant to curricular style and execution of integrative medication in the framework of preventive medication residency applications. The partner companies and community of learning involved their constituencies and offered a broad bottom of subject material expertise as required throughout the task duration. The procedure of coordinating IMPriME attempts was in keeping with the American University of Precautionary Medicine’s mission to boost the fitness of individuals and populations through evidence-based wellness promotion disease avoidance and systems-based methods to improving health insurance and healthcare.2 This paper articulates the competency advancement procedure and related results and presents curricular assistance as dependant on task stakeholders as a procedure for residency programs aiming to incorporate integrative medicine content into their curricula. Contextual Framework for Curriculum Development As a first step in competency development the IMPriME steering committee formed a subcommittee of three members experienced in competency development and integrative medicine to facilitate development of integrative medicine competencies germane to preventive medicine residency training. The subcommittee developed a Chlorin E6 broad Chlorin E6 contextual framework within which key competencies of integrative medicine curriculum might be considered for inclusion into residency curricula. The proposed framework was mindful of the following four major themes currently emphasized in health and health care: health workforce learning needs; health workforce interprofessional education3 4 utogenesis5; and integrative medicine and population health.6 Health Workforce Learning Needs During the 2009 IOM Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public University of Texas Distinguished Professor Victor Sierpina offered insightful perspectives regarding the doctor of the future and key characteristics of the future health workforce.6 These learners will need to be able to become part of a multidisciplinary team; skilled in using high technology and “high touch” (i.e. with a patient-centered humanistic.