Encephalitogenic Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein

Mono Tx: 0

Mono Tx: 0.32Dual Tx vs. (MDA5) antibody, and serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and Krebs von den Lungen-6 (KL-6). The cluster model was further applied to 283 patients who received conventional regimens consisting of corticosteroids with or without a single immunosuppressive agent (dual-combo therapy or monotherapy). Cumulative survival rates were compared using Kaplan-Meier analysis, and the log-rank test was used to test for significant differences between two groups. Results We developed a cluster model consisting of 6 clusters, which were categorized by age at onset, clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis, CRP, KL-6, requirement of supplemental oxygen, anti-ARS antibody, and anti-MDA5 antibody. This model was judged to be of good quality based on the silhouette measure of cohesion and separation of 0.6. These clusters were regrouped into three subsets based on low ( 10%), moderate (10-50%), and high ( 50%) mortality rates. The performance of the clustering was generally replicated in patients who received initial dual-combo therapy or monotherapy. Survival benefits of triple-combo therapy over dual-combo therapy or monotherapy were not observed in any of the clusters. Conclusion We successfully developed a cluster model that stratified patients with myositis-associated ILD who were treated with initial triple-combo therapy into subgroups ROCK inhibitor-1 with different prognoses, although this model failed to identify a patient subgroup that showed survival benefits from triple-combo therapy over dual-combo therapy Rabbit Polyclonal to IPPK or monotherapy. and 0.05 was considered statistically ROCK inhibitor-1 significant. Results Clinical Characteristics of Myositis-Associated ILD Patients Who Received Initial Triple-Combo Therapy The JAMI cohort enrolled incident cases of myositis-associated ILD, with a short disease duration of 2 months (median) and a predominant disease classification of CADM (54%). Anti-ARS and anti-MDA5 antibodies were detected in 31% and 42% of patients, respectively. Of 468 patients, 185 (40%), ROCK inhibitor-1 208 (44%), and 75 (16%) patients were initially treated with triple-combo therapy, dual-combo therapy, and monotherapy, respectively. The median follow-up period from the cohort entry to the latest visit or death was 19.5 (5C42) months. Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the 468 patients with myositis-associated ILD stratified by the initial treatment ROCK inhibitor-1 regimen. Clinical characteristics in patients who received triple-combo therapy in comparison with those who received dual-combo therapy or monotherapy included a higher prevalence of CADM, fever, skin ulcerations, lower consolidation/ground-glass attenuation and random ground-glass attenuation on chest high-resolution computed tomography, and requirement of supplemental oxygen; higher levels of CRP and ferritin; lower levels of CK and SP-D; and a higher proportion of anti-MDA5 antibody and lower proportion of anti-ARS antibody. Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with myositis-ILD stratified by therapeutic regimen. = 468)= 185)= 208)= 75)Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.36Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.02Male, no. (%)160 (34%)468 (100%)71 (38%)61 (29%)28 (37%)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.06Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.88Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.20Disease duration at diagnosis, months2 (1C5)468 (100%)2 (1C3)3 (2C7)2 (1C7)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.03Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.44Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.18Disease classificationPM, no. (%)71 (15%)468 (100%)10 (5%)47 (23%)14 (19%)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.01Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.001Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.74Classic DM, no. (%)144 (31%)42 (23%)73 (35%)29 (39%)CADM, no. (%)253 (54%)133 (72%)88 (42%)32 (43%)Clinical featuresFever, no. (%)223 (49%)455 (97%)121 (65%)85 (42%)17 (26%)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.001Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.001Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.02Raynaud’s phenomenon, no. (%)63 (15%)419 (90%)12 (8%)40 (20%)11 (17%)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.001Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.32Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.57Arthritis/arthralgia, no. (%)213 (46%)445 (95%)91 (51%)99 (50%)23 (34%)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.83Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.02Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.03Skin ulceration, no. (%)44 (9%)432 (92%)28 (16%)12 (6%)4 (7%)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.002Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.07Dual Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.87Laboratory parametersCK, IU/L199 (78C748)460 (98%)159 (76C439)206(80C1,298)312 (99C1,200)Triple Tx vs. Dual Tx: 0.10Triple Tx vs. Mono Tx: 0.05Dual Tx vs. Mono.