I have already been encouraging pregnant women to receive both the H1N1 and influenza vaccines since I became aware of Health Canada’s guidelines. should be explained unambiguously to pregnant women and they should be made aware of the sensationalism BIX 02189 of media reports which are often based on opinion and not evidence. Résumé J’encourage les femmes enceintes à se faire vacciner à la fois contre le H1N1 et contre la grippe depuis que j’ai pris connaissance des lignes directrices de Santé Canada. Par ailleurs certaines de mes patientes ont entendu parler de recommandations contraires souvent dans les médias et hésitent à recevoir le vaccin. Quelles sont les données BIX 02189 probantes sur lesquelles reposent ces lignes directrices et faudrait-il vraiment que je convainque ces femmes de se faire vacciner? Les femmes enceintes et les f?tus en développement sont considérés comme une populace vulnérable aux computer virus H1N1 et de la grippe. Santé Canada a publié un rapport à la fin de 2010 dans lequel on estime que cette populace est à risque accru d’une hospitalisation et de complications graves dues à une contamination au H1N1. Selon les recommandations les femmes enceintes font partie des groupes prioritaires pour recevoir le vaccin contre le H1N1 et celui contre la grippe. Ces renseignements devraient être expliqués sans ambigu?té aux femmes enceintes et on devrait les renseigner sur le sensationnalisme des articles souvent fondés davantage sur des opinions que sur des données probantes. Infection with the novel H1N1 influenza computer virus in the beginning popularly termed “swine flu ” was first reported in April 2009 and prompted the World Health Organization to raise its pandemic alert to the highest level. The World Health Business also stated that BIX 02189 during pregnancy both mother and baby were at increased risk when infected with either pandemic or seasonal influenza and that pregnant women should be vaccinated.1 Because of concerns about the severity of the disease during pregnancy the Centers BIX 02189 for Disease Control and Prevention applied enhanced surveillance for infection with this novel virus in pregnant women and placed them in a group that merits priority vaccine administration. It was also suggested that the advantage of treatment using the antiviral medicine oseltamivir outweighs any theoretical risk2 which confirmed H1N1 situations with linked symptoms especially fever merit instant attention. Furthermore precautions should be taken when suspected or confirmed H1N1-infected women that are pregnant reach medical center in labour. Following delivery women that are pregnant contaminated with H1N1 can breastfeed but are required to follow particular suggestions.3 A systematic literature critique was executed to examine procedures regarding this year’s 2009 H1N1 outbreak and women that are pregnant which included a complete of 120 research. Data were extracted regarding number of instances additional risk elements for influenza-associated problems treatment and being pregnant and maternal final results. The researchers discovered that being pregnant was connected with increased threat of medical center and intensive treatment unit entrance and death. Women that are pregnant who received postponed treatment with neuraminidase inhibitors or who acquired additional risk elements were much more likely to develop serious disease and preterm births and crisis cesarean sections had BIX 02189 been regularly reported.4 Influenza vaccine Ladies infected with the influenza computer virus during pregnancy are at increased risk of serious complications and hospitalization. Between 1997 and 2003 the Advisory Committee on Immunization Methods included healthy pregnant women who does be in their second or third trimester of pregnancy during the influenza time of year among those individuals at high Rabbit Polyclonal to GA45G. risk for whom influenza vaccination was indicated. Also included were ladies at any stage of pregnancy with certain chronic medical conditions such as asthma diabetes mellitus or heart disease. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Methods emphasized the influenza vaccine was safe for breastfeeding mothers and their babies. However despite these recommendations only 13% of pregnant women received the influenza vaccination in 2003.5 Determinants of decision making Since the start of the H1N1 outbreak pregnant women have been looking for information from various sources on how safe the vaccine would be for both them and their unborn fetuses. The Motherisk System at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto Ont carried out a survey to examine women’s perceptions of risk and the associated.