Background Main ovarian insufficiency (POI) is heterogeneous disease defined by amenorrhea SSI-2 or premature depletion of ovarian follicles Tenapanor before the age of Tenapanor 40 years. (ACA) Rheumatoid element (RF) glomerular basement membrane (GBM) proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) myeloperoxidase (MPO) Tenapanor proteinase 3 (PR3) thyroid microsomal antibody and antinuclear antibody (ANA)were analyzed. Results Among the 96 ladies with POI and 100 age-matched health controls ladies with POI experienced significantly elevated blood circulation levels of Jo-1 and PR3 (p?=?0.010 and p?=?0.001) whereas blood circulation levels of ANAs dsDNA histone RNP Sm Scl-70 SSA Tenapanor SSB CEN ZP ACA RF GBM PCNA MPO and TM antibodies were similar between the two organizations. Conclusions This study demonstrates the autoimmune antibodies JO-1 and PR3 were significantly higher in POI ladies group which suggested that these antibodies may have played special part in POI but the evaluation of the exact pathways of them remains to be determined. value?0.05. Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS 11.5 package. Results Among the 96 individuals 9 patients experienced histories of Mumps 5 individuals experienced histories of tuberculosis 4 individuals experienced histories of thyroid disorders and 2 individuals experienced histories of diabetes mellitus. 10 of the patients presented with main amenorrhea 86 individuals presented with secondary amenorrhea. The heroes of POI and healthy ladies were seen in Table?1. Table 1 Characteristics of the POI and health control women When a cutoff value (95% CI) was used the number of positive PR3 and Jo-1 antibody were significantly higher in ladies with POI (15/96 & 3/100 p?=?0.002 and 12/96 & 3/100 p?=?0.012) whereas the blood circulation levels of ANAs dsDNA ssDNA histone RNP Sm Scl-70 CEN ZP AC RF GBM PCNA MPO and TM antibodies were similar between the two groups. A higher cutoff value (99% CI) reduced the proportion of positive antibodies. Using the higher cutoff value PR3 and Jo-1 antibodies from the women with POI remained significantly different from antibodies from Control Tenapanor group (Table?2). Table 2 Summarize of the laboratory findings in ladies characterized as autoimmune individuals.