Groups at Higher Risk for Severe Illness. 2020. findings. We found significant differences in age, respiratory symptoms, and heart rates between patients with and without underlying conditions. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that oxygen plays an important role in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and that age and underlying diseases are significant risk factors for COVID-19. Most COVID-19 patients have no fever, and CT provides higher detection rates than antibody- and nucleic acid-based detection methods. Methods: We analyzed data from 109 confirmed COVID-19 cases. We compared the clinicopathological characteristic of patients stratified according to age and underlying diseases, as well as assessed the detection rates of different diagnostic methods. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, chronic diseases, risk factors, infection INTRODUCTION In December 2019, an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) in Wuhan, China, marked the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic [1C3]. As of April 8, 2020, the number of confirmed cases has risen to 1.35 million worldwide.[4] COVID-19 often present with persistent fever, cough, chest distress, dyspnea, and sore throat. Some patients also develop gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, while other patients have no obvious symptoms, making the virus spread containment extremely challenging [5, 6]. In COVID-19 patients, lung computed tomography (CT) findings include bilateral scattered patchy ground-glass density shadows and consolidation stripe shadows in both lungs [7, 8]. Despite the extensive efforts of the last months to understand the pathology of COVID-19 and identify therapeutic targets, the clinicopathological characteristics and risk factors associated with COVID-19 remain largely unclear. In this study, we investigated the clinicopathological characteristics and treatment outcomes in 109 patients diagnosed with COVID-19. The findings reported herein provide a better understanding of the clinical course, treatment efficacy, and risk factors in COVID-19 patients, providing a step forward toward the development of novel strategies to contain the pandemic. RESULTS Patient demographics and characteristics In this study, we included 109 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 from February 13, 2020, to Bilastine February 29, 2020, at Wuhan Union Hospital. The demographics and characteristics of these patients are summarized in Rabbit Polyclonal to OR2T11 Supplementary Table 1. The median age of all patients was 63 (range, 29-97), and 72 (66.1%) patients were aged over 60. There were 51 (46.8%) female patients and 58 (53.2%) male patients. Fourth-seven (43.1%) patients had chronic diseases. Among all patients, 100 (91.7%) required oxygen therapy, after which percutaneous oxygen saturation (SpO2) values returned to physiological Bilastine levels (SpO2 94%). Clinical features The clinical features of COVID-19 patients are summarized in Supplementary Table 2. Common symptoms included increased heart rate (n = 57; 52.3%), cough (n = 56; 51.4%), mild fever (37.3C-38C), and chest tightness (n = 36; 33.0%); high fever (39C-40C) was observed in three patients (2.8%). Only 50 (45.9%) patients presented with fever, while the remaining 59 (54.1%) patients did not develop fever throughout the disease course. Among the patients who developed fever, the median body temperature was 37.8C (ranges, 37.3C -40C), and the median fever duration was 2.5 days (ranges, 1-8 days). 95 (87.1%) individuals presented with respiratory symptoms at the time of analysis, and in 31 (28.5%) individuals, respiratory symptoms continued even after O2 product. Of the 47 (43.1%) individuals who had chronic diseases, 41 (87.2%) had respiratory symptoms at the time of analysis, and 13 (31.7%) had respiratory symptoms after oxygen therapy. A total of 31 (28.4%) individuals were diagnosed with abnormal SpO2; in these individuals, SpO2 values returned to physiological levels after O2 product. Among all individuals with underlying diseases, 17 (36.2%) were O2 unsaturated on admission. The median age of individuals with respiratory symptoms after oxygen therapy was 65.5 (ranges, 29-97), whereas the median age of individuals without respiratory symptoms after O2 product was 62 (range, 29-91). The median age of individuals with respiratory symptoms requiring oxygen therapy was 73 (range, 60-83), whereas that of individuals not requiring oxygen therapy was 65 (range, 58-65) (Supplementary Table 1). With this study, we also compared the demographics and medical characteristics of individuals with and without chronic diseases (Table 1). While the median age of individuals with chronic diseases was 69 (range, 38-97), that of individuals without underlying conditions was 60 (range, 29-91) (Table 1); this difference was statistically significant. Compared with individuals with chronic diseases, respiratory symptoms were less Bilastine frequent, and Bilastine heart rates were.