Aims This study explored whether the density of family history (FH) of material use disorders relates to post-treatment material use outcomes in adolescents with the primary aim of determining whether FH exerts a relatively stronger influence on longer-term outcomes. were significant FH density X linear time interactions for total drinks (= 12.75 < .001) and marijuana use days (= 4.39 < .001); greater FH density predicted more total drinks and more marijuana use days with both associations becoming stronger over time. The increasing linkage between FH and other drug use was not significant over time. Conclusions Findings are consistent with previous research indicating that the risk associated with KY02111 FH increases over time especially in relation to quantity/frequency steps of alcohol and marijuana use. By extending these findings to an KY02111 adolescent clinical sample the current study highlights that FH density of alcohol and drug dependence is usually a risk factor for poorer long-term outcomes for adolescent-onset ASUD youth as they transition into adulthood. Future work should explore the mechanisms underlying greater post-treatment material use for adolescents/young adults with greater FH density. = 366) included youth selected from two previous studies of long-term alcohol/material use treatment outcomes for adolescents (ages 12-18 at baseline) who were recruited at Rabbit Polyclonal to Akt. the onset of inpatient stays at alcohol and material use treatment facilities in the San Diego area. The six treatment facilities KY02111 were abstinence-focused and used a 12-step model of alcohol/material abuse treatment as well as individual family and group psychotherapies drawing from cognitive-behavioral strategies. Length of inpatient treatment ranged from 5 days to 3 weeks. All participants in both studies met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (= 207 56.6%) met criteria for an alcohol and/or material use disorder and an additional non-conduct DSM-III-R Axis I disorder (Comorbidity group). Axis I disorders were assessed with the Diagnostic Interview Routine for Children-Computerized Version (DISC-III-R; McCarthy et al. 2005 Piancentini et al. 1993 Ramo et al. 2005 Tomlinson et al. 2004 administered separately with the adolescent and a collateral reporter (parent or custodial guardian). Additional eligibility criteria (across both studies) included 12-18 years of age residence within 50 miles of the research site participants’ literate in English and availability for KY02111 one-year follow-up. Youth who did not have a collateral reporter (i.e. parent or guardian) to corroborate personal and FH information experienced current psychotic symptoms or experienced physical handicaps prohibiting participation were excluded from the study. At intake participants averaged 16.12 (SD = 1.30) years of age; 51% were male and KY02111 63% were Caucasian. Most of the sample (82%) met criteria for conduct disorder. All youth met DSM-IV criteria for lifetime alcohol dependence and 91% met criteria for drug dependence. Further details regarding baseline alcohol and material use of the treatment samples are reported elsewhere (Brown and D’Amico 2001 Tomlinson et al. 2004 2.2 Procedures After obtaining parent/guardian consent charts of consecutively admitted youth were screened for study inclusion and trained research staff contacted eligible youth and parents to explain the study and obtain informed assent/consent. Youth and parents completed baseline assessments within 3 weeks of admission. Following treatment youth and a collateral reporter completed follow-up assessments were conducted at 1 2 4 6 and 8 years after study entry. Follow-up assessments were arranged by phone mail and email. Participants were interviewed in person or by phone if necessary (e.g. out of 50 mile range) to minimize attrition which did not exceed 11% in any 12 months of follow-up (observe Table 3). Adolescents and collateral reporters (e.g. parent/guardian domestic partner) were interviewed separately. A significantly greater proportion (χ2 = 6.37 < .05) of the comorbidity group (70%) was missing at least one KY02111 outcome time point as compared to the ASUD-only group (53%) as rates of follow-up across time points were higher in the ASUD-only group (Mean = 97%) than in the comorbidity group (Mean = 91%). The likelihood of having any missing outcome data was not predicted by gender intake age ethnicity conduct disorder or FH density score. Table 3 Statistically significant covariates of past-90 day material use outcomes assessed at long-term follow-ups in adolescents treated for alcohol or material dependence. 2.3 Steps 2.3 Family History For this study we used a composite density.