All animals were immunized subcutaneously about days 0, 20, and 125 with Tf190 in addition alum. illness among these animals. The sexually transmitted parasitic protozoan illness (immunoglobulin G1 [IgG1], IgG2, and IgA isotypes) have been demonstrated by a variety of assays and with Impurity C of Calcitriol a variety of parasite antigens (3, 9, 15, 17, TNFSF11 25) and in experimental infections (2, 27), although antibody effector mechanisms have not been clearly recognized. The mechanisms of pathogenesis of will also be poorly recognized. However, adherence and killing of mammalian cell lines have been shown (5, 6), and recently, the contact-dependent Impurity C of Calcitriol cytotoxicity of against bovine vaginal epithelial cells has been recorded (26). Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for parasite adhesin molecules have been shown to inhibit adhesion of the parasite to mammalian cells (4, 6), and bovine antibodies specific for surface epitopes of have been shown to inhibit adhesion to and killing of several mammalian cell lines (6, 10). Collectively, these data suggest that adhesion is an important step in the cytopathic mechanism of sponsor cell damage and may be important in the pathogenesis of bovine trichomoniasis as well. We have recognized an adhesin molecule on the surface of Tf190 (25) and have now analyzed the humoral reactions in cattle immunized with Tf190. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the immunogenicity of Tf190 and to determine the antibody reactions in cattle after immunization with Tf190. We statement that parenteral immunizations with Tf190 elicit a strong systemic response in cattle and that immune serum antibodies can significantly inhibit parasite adhesion to mammalian cells. Intranasal immunization decreased the pace of illness in immunized versus unimmunized animals when these animals were challenged by intravaginal inoculation of in immunized animals that were resistant to illness. MATERIALS AND METHODS Parasites and parasite antigens. Two strains of parasites, a Impurity C of Calcitriol high-passage-number clone, clone MT85C330.1 (strain Tf330.1), originally isolated in 1985 and a low-passage-number isolate, isolate TFC-5C1, from a 1997 outbreak in Montana were maintained in vitro at 37C with Diamond’s medium (12) without agar containing 5% donor calf serum (Atlanta Biologicals, Atlanta, Ga.) and 25 g of gentamicin sulfate per ml. Strain Tf330.1 was utilized for the following: Tf190 preparations, Western blots, all immunizations, and intravaginal challenge. Strain TFC-5C1 was utilized for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), inhibition ELISA, and assessment to Tf330.1 in the adhesion assays. Whole parasite draw out was acquired as explained previously (25). Briefly, the parasites were washed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.2) by centrifugation (400 illness, as determined by standard sampling of cervical mucus followed by tradition for parasite detection (1) prior to the experiment. Six adult cows were given an initial subcutaneous injection of 100 g of Tf190 in alum followed by two intranasal doses of 100 g of Tf190 plus 20 g of cholera toxin subunit Impurity C of Calcitriol B (CT-B; Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.) on days 21 and 58 (300 g total). Tf190 plus CT-B was dissolved in PBS and was placed on small (11/16-in.) absorbent disks (Whatman no. 1 filters; Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, Pa.). The disks were put into each animal intranasally having a plastic calf balling gun. Six control animals received alum and CT-B only at the same occasions. Serum was taken from all animals on day time 0, prior to immunization, and was designated the preimmunization serum. Challenge with Six animals that received Tf190 intranasally and six control animals that received cholera toxin only were infected intravaginally with 106 live organisms (Tf330.1), each in buffered saline with glucose, on day time 77. The challenged animals were monitored for 30 days by weekly sampling of cervical mucus with artificial insemination pipettes, followed by tradition in Diamond’s medium and exam by phase-contrast microscopy for the presence of parasites. Cultured cervical mucus samples contained no significant.