All CBL and CC individuals were confirmed by pathological examination of cells biopsies under the colonoscopy. different mixtures of four autoantibodies were analyzed for the development of an ideal panel for the early analysis of CC. Results: The results of anti-p53, HRAS, NSG1-IgG and anti-TIF1-IgA in western blotting were consistent with that in ELISA. The levels and positive rates of anti-p53, HRAS, NSG1-IgG and anti-TIF1-IgA in early CC group were significantly higher than that in CBL group/HC group ( 0.01), while had no significant difference from that in advanced CC group ( 0.05), of which anti-TIF1-IgA showed the highest area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.716 for the individuals with CC at early stage, with 25.5% sensitivity and specificity at 96.7%. Additionally, a panel of anti-p53, HRAS-IgG and anti-TIF1-IgA showed the highest AUC among all possible mixtures of four autoantibodies, up to 0.737, with 47.1% level of sensitivity at 92.0% specificity. Conclusions: Serum IgG autoantibodies against p53, HRAS and NSG1, and Lappaconite HBr IgA autoantibody against TIF1 display the diagnostic value for the individuals with CC at early stage, of which anti-TIF1-IgA is definitely demonstrated to be a preferable biomarker, and an ideal panel comprised of anti-p53, HRAS-IgG and anti-TIF1-IgA might contribute to the further improvement of early analysis for CC. 0.01). This suggested that these four autoantibodies might be important for the analysis of individuals with early CC. Based on our pilot observation, we intended to comprehensively evaluate the diagnostic performances of four autoantibodies in a large cohort of serum samples and then determine an ideal panel for the early analysis of CC by comparing the values of all possible mixtures of four autoantibodies with this study. Material and methods Study subjects 157 individuals with colon cancer (CC) at early stage (TNM 0/I/II stage), 144 individuals with CC at advanced stage (TNM III/IV stage), 130 individuals with colon benign lesion (CBL), and 170 healthy controls (HC) were recruited from February 2016 to December 2018 at Fujian TIMP1 Provincial Hospital. All individuals strictly met the diagnostic requirements recognized by international or professional societies and none of the individuals had approved any treatment for the malignancy; the clinical and pathological data were demonstrated in Table ?Table11. 170 HC participants received health examinations from your physical examination centre of Fujian Provincial Hospital and showed no evidence of disease, including malignancies, CBL, etc., based on the colonoscopy. All CBL and Lappaconite HBr CC individuals were confirmed by pathological examination of cells biopsies under the colonoscopy. Each subject was collected 5 ml peripheral blood before the surgery treatment and the serum was separated at 3000 rpm for 5 min and stored at -80 C before use. This study was authorized by the Institutional Review Table of Fujian Provincial Hospital, and all participants provided written educated consent. Table 1 Clinical data for the early CC, CBL and HC organizations 0.05 was considered a significant difference. Results Expressions of four TAAs in early CC cells The IHC staining results showed that four TAAs were highly indicated in early CC tusses, of which p53 and TIF1 proteins were indicated in cell nucleus, HRAS protein was indicated in both cytomembrane and cytoplasm, and NSG1 protein was indicated in cytoplasm, while all four TAAs proteins were bad or weakly indicated in matched paracancerous cells (Figure ?Number11). Lappaconite HBr The IHC positive rates for 2+-3+ staining of p53, HRAS, NSG1, and TIF1 in early CC cells were 60.0%, 56.7%, 60.0% and 66.7%, respectively, and.