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[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 3. and four individuals (122 males and 82 females, mean age 35 years) attending the blood donation centre were screened. Three individuals tested positive for IgA TTG showing normal IgA level (1 female and 2 males) with a 1.5% prevalence in the cohort. Conclusions: Positive celiac screening is present at a low prevalence rate in our adult populace, in which the individuals age and their serum IgA levels are not associated with the positivity level. A study on a larger scale with the application of histologic confirmation of positive cases is needed. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: Celiac, duodenal, gluten, tissue transglutaminase antibody Celiac disease (CD) prevalence, often considered uncommon outside the western hemisphere, tends to be misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed. Interestingly, even in high-prevalence areas, a large survey revealed CD as underdiagnosed by main care physicians compared with gastroenterologists (11% vs 65%). Furthermore, the manifestations of the disease were deemed uncommon (32%) in adulthood.[1] Most often, CD presents with nongastroenterological features; therefore, sound knowledge of the diversity of the disease and its prevalence in the region is essential. This pilot study would explore the prevalence of this disease in a silent group or asymptomatic individuals. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between April and July 2010, Saudi attendees of the Blood Donation Centre of King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Jeddah, were assessed by the principal investigator for their current medical issues and possible coexisting manifestations of CD using Ibutamoren (MK-677) a short self-administered questionnaire. Subsequently, the purpose of this study was explained and informed consent obtained from all the participants. Blood samples were drawn to screen for CD using tissue transglutaminase antibody immunoglobulin A (TTG IgA) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) to rule out IgA deficiency. TTG is usually measured using the commercial enzyme-linked immunonosorbent assay (ELISA, QUANTA lite, Inova Diagnostics, San Diego, CA, USA) Positive TTG IgA is usually defined at a level above 20.00 units. Serum IgA is usually measured using immunoturbidimetric assay (COPAS INTEGRA? 400 plus, Roche, Mannheim, Germany). The reference range of serum IgA is usually 0.70C4.00 g/L. Sample size calculation for Ibutamoren (MK-677) determination of the desired sample in concern to the reported prevalence in the middle eastern area showed that 300 individuals are needed to be included to determine the prevalence. This study is usually approved and monitored by the Institutional Review Table of King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Jeddah. RESULTS Two hundred and four individuals (122 males and 82 females) attending the blood donation center were screened [Table 1]. Based on the screening questionnaire, no individual was found to have features to suggest CD. No short stature was recognized in the cohort (defined as a standing height more than 2 standard deviations (SDs) below the mean (or below the 2 2.5 percentile) for gender). Three individuals tested positive ER81 for TTG IgA exposing normal IgA level (1 female and 2 males); their values are as follows: A 22-year-old female, 22 models; a 31-year-old male, 32 models; and a 33-year-old male, 40 units, with the prevalence rate in the cohort being 1.5%. No IgA-deficient individuals were reported. A significant association was found to exist between serum IgA and anti-TTG levels ( em P /em =0.0001) and serum IgA levels and the age of the individuals ( em P /em =0.010). A non significant association was noted between age and Ibutamoren (MK-677) the TTG IgA level ( em P /em =0.554) as well as between serum IgA level and TTG status ( em P /em =0.153). Table 1 Summary of celiac disease screening Open in a separate window DISCUSSION CD is an autoimmune disorder prevalent in patients with hypersensitivity to a gluten component and its derivatives in agricultural crops, most typically observed in European descendants; however, the current evolutionary data showed that in areas of the fertile crescent in Iraq, Syria, and Iran, this component is present and has.