
Unlike RV that is produced by stable cell lines, LV used for clinical gene therapy trials thus far relies on transient, four-plasmid transfections of packaging cells

Unlike RV that is produced by stable cell lines, LV used for clinical gene therapy trials thus far relies on transient, four-plasmid transfections of packaging cells. stem cell transplantation (HSCT) without conditioning for treatment of X-linked severe combined immuno-deficient (SCID-X1) infants achieves 70% long-term survival. However, although donor T cells engraft and are functional, two thirds of such patients lack B and natural killer (NK) cell reconstitution, which may ultimately lead to progressive clinical deterioration (1C3). Gamma-retroviral (RV) gene therapy without conditioning effectively corrects the T cell lineage with no transduced B or NK cells in SCID-X1 infants (4) but fails in posthaploidentical HSCT older children, possibly due to Batimastat sodium salt age-related thymic damage (5, 6). Leukemias occurred in RV gene therapy for SCID-X1, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS), and chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) attributable to preferential integration near oncogenes (7C10). Adding a self-inactivating element (SIN) in RV gene therapy for SCID-X1 infants resulted in a similar integration pattern as earlier RV trials, although less clustering near oncogenes is observed at 38-month follow-up (11). Unlike murine RV (mRV), lentiviral vectors (LVs) do not preferentially integrate near enhancers and promoters, and successful SIN-LV gene therapy using marrow conditioning of WAS and meta-chromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) (12, 13) suggests that SIN-LV may be applicable to SCID-X1. Here, we used IL22RA2 a codon-optimized SIN-LV (Cl20-i4-EF1-hcOPT), where the elongation factor 1 (EF1) core promoter element drives production of the common chain (c) with an additional safety feature of a 400Cbase pair (bp) chicken -globin chromatin insulator element (cHS4) (fig. S10) (14, 15). Preclinical Batimastat sodium salt studies demonstrated safety and efficacy in animal models (16, 17). We report successful SIN-LV gene therapy of older SCID-X1 patients who had substantial immune and functional problems after previous haploidentical HSCT. Novel features of our clinical trial include the first use of SIN-LV to treat SCID-X1, the first use of busulfan conditioning for gene therapy of SCID-X1, and the first use of SIN-LV in patients, to be manufactured from a stable LV producer cell line (18). Reduced-intensity conditioning has proven to be beneficial in gene therapy for adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency SCID (ADA-SCID), including the development of gene-marked B and NK cells (19, 20). RESULTS Patient characteristics Five male patients with SCID-X1, aged 23, 22, 7, 16, and 10 years [patients 1 to 5 (P1 to P5)], with persistent disease after one or more haploidentical HSCT (Table 1), were treated in a phase 1/2 clinical trial. This report describes the course of P1 and P2 through 36 and 24 months and P3 to P5 through 9, 6, and 6 months after autologous SIN-LV (EF1-hcOPT)Ctransduced CD34+ HSC transplant, with a total of 6 mg of busulfan/kg, intravenously, for conditioning. Busulfan levels were drawn on day 1 after the first 3 mg of busulfan/kg dose and ranged from 2519.6 to 4528.9 min*M (Table 1). Results of the AUC levels were not available Batimastat sodium salt in time to allow dose adjustment. The patients recovered their absolute cell numbers without the need of blood product support for discharge within 1 month (fig. S2) and were monitored per protocol schedule (table S1). Table 1 Patient characteristics and treatmentAll patients received Batimastat sodium salt allogeneic stem cell transplant (HSCT) from haploidentical (haplo) parent donor Batimastat sodium salt once or repeated (booster). IL2RG, interleukin 2 receptor ; CFU, colony-forming units; PLE, protein-losing enteropathy; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; AUC, area under the curve. mutation823T>G447 deIA923C>Ac341G>A31T>AAge (years)232271510Prior HSCTHaplo, boosterHaploHaplo, boosterHaploHaplo, boosterImmunophenotype T, B, NK B, NK T, B, NK T, B, NK T, B, NKMedical problemsNorovirus, infections, PLE, IVIGNorovirus, infections, IVIG, warts, molluscum, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis obliteransNorovirus, infections, PLE, IVIG, bronchiectasis, growth failureNorovirus, infections, PLE, IVIG, bronchiectasisNorovirus,.