Goal: To investigate the regulatory effect of V1 Capital t cells and the antitumor activity of V2 Capital t cells in rectal malignancy. of V2 Capital t cells on rectal malignancy lines was identified by the LDH method. RESULTS: The percentage of V1 Capital t cells in rectal tumor cells from rectal Risedronate sodium IC50 malignancy individuals was significantly improved, and positively correlated with the Capital t stage. The percentage of V2 Capital t cells in rectal tumor cells from rectal malignancy individuals was significantly decreased, and negatively correlated with the Capital t stage. After tradition for 14 m with 1 g/mL anti-TCR antibodies, the percentage of V1 Capital t Risedronate sodium IC50 cells from para-carcinoma cells was 21.45% 4.64%, and the percentage of V2 T cells was 38.64% 8.05%. After tradition for 14 m, the percentage of V1 Capital t cells from rectal malignancy cells was 67.45% 11.75% and the percentage of V2 T cells was 8.94% 2.85%. Tumor-infiltrating V1 Capital t cells experienced strong inhibitory effects, and tumor-infiltrating V2 Capital t cells showed strong cytolytic activity. The inhibitory effects of V1 Capital t cells from para-carcinoma cells and from rectal malignancy cells were not significantly different. In addition, the cytolytic activities of V2 Capital t cells from para-carcinoma cells and from rectal malignancy cells were not significantly different. Summary: A percentage discrepancy in V1 and V2 Capital t cells in rectal malignancy individuals may contribute to the development of rectal malignancy. < 0.05. RESULTS Percentage of V1 and V2 Capital t cells in tumor cells and para-carcinoma cells from rectal malignancy individuals We 1st compared the percentages of total Capital t cells and the V1 and V2 Capital t subsets in tumor cells and para-carcinoma cells from rectal malignancy individuals. There was no significant difference in the percentage of total Capital t cells in the tumor cells and para-carcinoma cells of rectal malignancy individuals (4.32% 0.026% 4.30% 0.037%, > 0.05) (Figure ?(Figure1A).1A). The percentage of V1 Capital t cells in tumor cells was significantly higher than in para-carcinoma cells (2.58% 0.017% 1.03% 0.008%, < 0.01) (Number ?(Number1M),1B), and the percentage of V2 Capital t cells was significantly lower in tumor cells than in para-carcinoma cells (1.75% 0.012% 3.27% 0.032%, < 0.05) (Figure ?(Number1C1C). Number 1 Percentage of infiltrating Capital t cells in 20 rectal malignancy individuals. Cells were discolored with an anti- TCR mAb, anti-V1 mAb or anti-V2 mAb and analyzed by circulation cytometry. The remaining panels display associate ... Correlation of V1 and V2 Capital t Risedronate sodium IC50 cells with TNM stage in rectal malignancy individuals The percentage of peripheral V1 Capital t cells in rectal malignancy individuals improved as Capital t stage improved (Number ?(Figure2A),2A), whereas the percentage of peripheral V2 T cells decreased as T stage increased (Figure ?(Figure2B).2B). However, there was no significant correlation between In category or M category and the percentage of V1 or V2 Capital t cells (data not demonstrated). Number 2 Percentage of tumor-infiltrating V1 and V2 Capital t cells correlated with disease Capital t stage. A: Tumor-infiltrating V1 Capital t cells positively correlated with disease Capital t stage; M: Tumor-infiltrating V2 Capital t cells negatively correlated ... Percentage of V1 and V2 Capital t cells after 14 m amplification with anti-TCR antibody After tradition in RPMI-1640 medium comprising 10% FBS in 24-well tradition dishes coated with 1 g/mL anti-TCR antibody for 14 m, the percentage of V1 Capital t cells from para-carcinoma cells was 21.45% 4.64%, and the LDOC1L antibody percentage of V2 T cells was 38.64% 8.05% (Figure ?(Figure3A).3A). After tradition.