Objectives To spell it out characteristics associated with neurotoxicity (NT) in advanced ovarian malignancy individuals treated on Gynecologic Oncology Group 218 and examine effect of substituting docetaxel for paclitaxel in these individuals. docetaxel Laquinimod (ABR-215062) as substitute for paclitaxel. Of them 47 individuals started with docetaxel at cycle one due to reaction to paclitaxel (n=32) fear of NT (n=4) additional reasons (n=11) whereas 59 individuals switched to docetaxel during cycle 2-6 due to NT (n=32) reaction to paclitaxel (n=19) and additional reasons (n=8). Even though protocol instructed normally the majority continued paclitaxel despite G≥2 NT symptoms. There was no evidence that substitution with docetaxel improved NT (Odds Percentage): 1.57; 95% CI 0.98-2.54; p>0.05). Of 59 individuals who switched to docetaxel only seven (12%) discontinued taxane prior to chemotherapy completion. A roughly equivalent chance of worsening NT was reported on paclitaxel (6%) as on docetaxel (5%). Conclusions Age and worse QoL at baseline are associated with NT. Substitution of docetaxel did not improve NT symptoms. Keywords: Ovarian malignancy neurotoxicity taxane Intro Microtubule-targeting agents such as taxanes are well-known for their associations with the development of neurotoxicity (NT) [1]. Earlier clinical trials possess indicated that peripheral neuropathy is definitely a significant dose-limiting toxicity associated with combination chemotherapy Laquinimod (ABR-215062) regimens comprising taxane agents. In an evaluation of the SEER (Monitoring Epidemiology and End Results) database in 2010 2010 the incidence of peripheral neuropathy in ovarian malignancy individuals was 21.5/1000 person-years [2]. In addition it showed that women receiving combination Rabbit Polyclonal to ZNF24. platinum and taxane chemotherapy were three times more likely to develop peripheral neuropathy versus two times more likely to develop neuropathy when only a taxane was used (this is compared to those not receiving chemotherapy whatsoever). From prior tests in advanced ovarian malignancy individuals it can be estimated that upwards of 25% of individuals on traditional six-cycle Laquinimod (ABR-215062) carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy will develop grade (G) 2 or higher NT [3]. Despite this carboplatin and paclitaxel continues to be the mainstay intravenous chemotherapy routine in individuals with advanced ovarian malignancy based on several randomized clinical tests [3-5]. While NT may not be considered by individuals to be as concerning as additional symptoms such as pain or fatigue it is more likely to be prolonged and long-lasting actually after discontinuation of therapy [6-7]. Up to 23% of individuals may suffer from residual neuropathy 48 weeks after treatment and this may have significant effects on quality of life (QoL) and activities of daily living [8]. Several management options exist once NT develops on combination platinum and taxane chemotherapy including a dose reduction dose delay prolongation of taxane infusion or alternative of the taxane having a different non-platinum agent. From Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) protocol 182 it is understood that reduction of the cycles of paclitaxel given can potentially reduce the incidence of G 2 or higher peripheral neuropathy from approximately 25% to 15% [3]. Vasey et al reported the incidence of G2 or higher neuropathy was 11% in individuals treated with docetaxel as opposed to 30% in individuals treated with paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin [9]. Others have also reported decreased rates of NT with mixtures of carboplatin with gemcitabine or pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) as opposed to paclitaxel [10-11]. In light of the above findings treatment with docetaxel has been an acceptable alternative to paclitaxel in many GOG trials. Despite the Laquinimod (ABR-215062) practice of permitting individuals to discontinue paclitaxel and continue treatment with docetaxel in the establishing of NT there have been no studies documenting the course of NT after dose substitution. Thus prior to the continuous recommendation of docetaxel as an acceptable alternative to paclitaxel an exploration into the course of toxicity after substitution should be documented. The objective of this study was to document the disease and patient characteristics associated Laquinimod (ABR-215062) with the development severity and progression of NT on the most recent completed phase III GOG trial in advanced ovarian malignancy protocol 218 and to evaluate whether alternative of paclitaxel with docetaxel results in improvement of NT once it evolves. METHODS GOG-218 is definitely a randomized phase III medical trial.